Tuesday, March 12, 2013

 This is a lamp prototype that I made for my 3d class. I was messing around with different textures and opacity in each panel of the form. The light bulb is housed in a 4"x7" frame inside the form but isn't turned on in this picture.

The drawing below is a draft for an ink/paper cement assignment on giant bristol paper.
Here's a photo of it 90% done. Strips of cardboard with the corrugation removed are glued to the cardboard sections to secure them. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Here's a preview of what will be a cardboard stool for my Intro to ID class...

Here's a gouache triptych from the previous semester at RISD for my design final. The assignment was to observe a location in Providence, RI, and demonstrate a network of relationships within the given area. This series documents the amount of activity in a traffic intersection in the morning, at noon and in the evening.